It Doesn't Take Much

As I sat in the dining area of my grocery store, I noticed a woman bringing her cart back to the store.  This got me thinking!  Earlier in the day at a different location, there were plenty of individual carts roaming free in a parking lot from people not returning their carts to the corrals.  When I see these carts, my mind quickly judges the people that cannot return their carts.  It really doesn't take much to return them, AND it really doesn't take much effort to be a good person.  To me, it is super inconsiderate to just leave your cart in a parking lot where it could easily hit someone or their car.

The focus of this entry is not just about carts, but more importantly being a good person.  So, what makes a person good?  I would define a good person by someone who considers other people's feelings and by showing: integrity, honesty, loyalty, compassion, love, and patience.

Like I have said a few times, it really doesn't take much to be a good person.  Some other ways to show this could be holding your trash, instead of throwing it out your car window.  Holding the door for the person behind you.  Choosing to use kind words when speaking to family, friends, and strangers.  Smiling!  Educating yourself regarding something you may not know much about and plan to debate the topic with someone else.  The last one that comes to mind is get your own emotions in check, so that you aren't exploding on others that don't deserve the blunt of your anger. 

It seems like we are losing the fundamentals of how to live in this world with others.  It is uncertain why people don't seem to care much anymore (about anything), but it can be super frustrating for the people that do.

The lesson of this blog post is you are the only one that can change the world.  You make a choice every single day with the way you choose to treat others.  It really does show who you are as a person, so make some good choices.  If you really feel that awful about yourself, then make some changes so that your distrust, annoyance, and frustration with the world isn't taken out on innocent victims.  See a therapist, go sit in nature, find things that bring you joy, do something because if you continue to do what you are doing now, nothing will change.  And that is super scary for the outlook on our society.

You are in control of your behavior!  You are important!  You are special!


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