Think About This One

When thinking about being single in our society, a few songs come to mind that really hit home.  Do you recall some of the lyrics for Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato?  There is so much to this song and we can get to that later too, but the line that really sticks out to me is You ain’t nobody until you got somebody.  Now don’t get me wrong I am a fan of Demi Lovato and I am a fan of this song, but this line in this song is so sad, and I don’t think I can even think of a better word to describe it, but sad.  You are telling me that I have no life because I don’t have a significant other.  I completely disagree with this message being sent to little girls and women in general.  I understand that this may be the opinion of Demi and the opinion of many individuals out there, at the same time, You ain’t NOBODY!  

So our worth is dependent on someone else and that takes me into the topic of happiness again too, right?  I mean we can’t be happy because we are solo, on our own, by ourself.  That is a HUGE problem.  Especially after all of the research and self-help books I have read stated the opposite, meaning it has been shown that happiness is based on YOU.  On your thoughts!  

It’s not like this line is stated once in the song either, it is stated MANY times.  So, what is the message that our society is receiving?  And it’s not just this ONE song either.  We constantly hear this, even when it is subliminal.  These messages being sent out are really impacting the way women see themselves, and I can’t say that it’s only women because I am sure some men feel the same, but what I can say is that women do internalize this stuff because of the pressure that we feel from society.  I will also disclose that at times pushing these negative thoughts and messages away can be easy, but other times, it can be very difficult.  And I know techniques to do this, but it can still be difficult for me.  So, what about these other women or little girls that may not have the techniques to use?  

Check out my Instagram Account at: schleica


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