Making Some Progress On Goals
One thought I have been focusing on lately has been the idea of documenting for my readers my progress on my goals. This year has started out in such a productive, motivating way, meaning I have goals and I take time to focus on them every single day. One goal that I did not include in my post on goals for the new year has been to limit and possibly completely cut out caffeine. The reason has been due to dehydration. I am super into nutrition and taking care of the body I have. I know that I don’t drink enough water, and the fact is most of us are dehydrated. I can’t control what other people do, but I have total control over my actions, so with this control I am trying to include more hydrating options into my day, such as drinking more water, adding lemons, making smoothies and making celery, cucumber and tomato juice.
So far, I think I have done pretty well. My main concern has been withdrawal symptoms. I don’t want a headache, and I especially don’t want a headache for days. That is no fun! Due to that reason, I have been consuming extremely small amounts of caffeine. The one day I consumed three smaller pieces of dark chocolate with espresso beans and a very small amount of Kombucha. There were absolutely no withdrawal symptoms at that point. The next day, I felt great, but decided to have some Earl Gray Tea, which has caffeine. Mostly because I didn’t want the headache. The next day, I had a bit of a tingle in my head, which was not pleasing to me. I decided to have 8 ounces of coffee, which is 8 ounces less than normal. I felt very odd all day because my head felt off. The very next day, I felt absolutely fine, but then decided to have an even smaller amount of coffee than the day before. No headache all day!
My hope is that I start waking up in the morning not needing coffee. This is really hard for me because I love coffee. But I know how dehydrating it can be for my body. I mean seriously, you can feel your mouth becoming drier as you drink the stuff.
I feel super excited with the progress I have been making. Every day I have at least a juice or smoothie, I feel I have accomplished my goal. Here is the thing, I am super into Medical Medium and if you aren’t aware of him, you should totally check him out. He has a podcast (books and social media accounts) and discusses a variety of health issues that people deal with daily. There have been so many reasons for me to be adding celery, cucumber and tomatoes into my daily routine, as well as more fruits. My other huge goal for the year is to become certified in Integrative Medicine. I am super excited! Nutrition has been something I have been passionate about for some time and now, I am ready to bring it into my practice.
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