How Do You Know?

How do you know someone is not the one for you?💔💝💕💖💘

💕I feel the more you age, you just get to the point where you know if someone is meant to be in your life or not.  You know yourself better every single day. Well, if you are doing it right anyways.😉

There have been times where I find someone attractive, but after one conversation, something doesn’t feel right and I know that I will never date the person.  Sometimes, there isn’t even anything wrong with the person, that has been identified anyways. No reason at all, other than my gut is saying no.

There has to be something to that, and at the same time, how can you trust it every time?  That question is super tricky because you don’t want to pass on a potential future mate. My advice would be to test it or think back to past situations.  Have you felt that someone wasn’t right for you before? How did that turn out? What did it feel like? Why did you give the person a chance anyways? Could this situation result in the same outcome?

In the past few months, I have really tested myself.  And guess what I realized?

That almost every single time my initial instinct was accurate.  That tells me that even when I don’t want to listen to my intuition, I need to.  This may just be a test for me. This is the time in my life that I need to learn more about my skills.  What I am good at, and what I need in life. Maybe the reason I don’t have a partner yet is because I have a lot more to learn first.  And maybe if he were here right now, I would let him get in the way of me learning the lessons I need to be learning.

What I can say for sure is that I am ready for a partner right now.  Now, I just need to be patient.

Make sure you remember to SHARE, Please!!!  Remember Sharing Is Caring!!!


  1. I really do think he has to be there in your view. You need to feel the mans ora. How he looks at you, what does he want, does it match up to what you're also reaching for?

    Do you back off, or slightly push the guy away with less talk and feedback once getting to know him because he wasn't totally perfect, or said something that wasn't quite up your tree?

    A man was mirroring you in goals, feelings and wants. Sometimes that man isn't the right man for you, but you where probably, if given the chance, the right woman for him. As time changes you find yourself trusting, releasing, accepting, eventually adoring what your gut, intuaition once said " No, not this..not him..something feels off ".

    It could be you hun. You may have this same feeling over and over with each possible mate you meet.

    Another thing.. sometimes a guy who is open, listening, hearing things without the sound, or reading the writing between the lines may back off from you based on how he feels his thought, his feelings, his wants, which match yours, are not really getting a true, interested, into you response.

    That guy will shut up. He will do you a slight favor by backing off, so you don't have to do the whole , " I'm just not that I into speech. " Always meet, match eyes, exchange ora , feel presence before totally deciding on of this man is the right one for you. Doing it online just doesn't give it any loving chance.

    1. I agree with you Jeff in that someone needs to meet another person in real life to completely determine compatibility because you can't do that over texts or a computer. The energy just isn't there over devices. However, people can intuitively know if someone is just plain bad over devices, if trusting their intuition fully.


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