What are you grateful for?

We all get caught up in our daily routines and forget to focus on what we are grateful for, instead of focusing on everything going wrong or how stressed we are.  It is super easy to get caught up in all of that, and at the same time, with some practice, it’s also easy to focus more on the areas of our lives that are going well.

What is going well in your life right now?

For me, I am grateful for the friends and family members that want to be present in my life, because some of them don’t.  Knowing that I have some very close friends brings a smile to my face. There have been times where I have focused on the quantity of friends I have now versus the amount of friends I had in the past.  There were many more when I was younger. Now, I know that the friends that are still around have a place in my heart and they are here for the right reasons. This is true for family members too. This can be tricky at times for me because I feel that I do better when surrounded by people.  I know I have said it before, but it’s true. It has to be the right people. The people that brighten up all the bad days. The people that make the most blah moments the most fun. The people that have interesting topics to discuss.

I have found that there are personality types that really mesh with me and some that just don’t.  That came with age and self-awareness.

I am grateful for the roof over my head.  That I was able to purchase my own home on my own with no help from anyone.  I did that five years ago. I am grateful that I am passionate regarding numerous areas of my life, one being writing.  I am also passionate about clothes, psychology, law of attraction, yoga, and diet. I am grateful for my cats. There may be too many at this point, but they are all super adorable and I love them.

The power of gratitude starts with focusing on something you are grateful for every single day.  I have learned that this is the number one technique happy people use. If you aren’t focusing on what you have and what you are thankful for, what is the alternative?  Focusing on lack or what your problems are, right? How fun is that? It’s not!

I caught myself today smiling while I was driving, for no apparent reason.  That isn’t my normal driving behavior, and at the same time, it worked for me.  I kept doing it after I noticed because I want to make it automatic. I would rather smile than look bitchy.  Plus, I look better when I smile! You probably do too, so try it.

Until next time, readers!  Have a great day, and make sure you stick around for the next post.  It will be good! Guaranteed!


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