She Disappeared!

Let’s talk about friends for a bit.  I do have to say that the friends that are around are pretty amazing.  I really enjoy my time with them.

I do, however, have a pet peeve.  This has been something that has gotten to me since grade school.  It is when my female friends completely ditch me and our other friends.  Mostly me though! So, we have a great relationship where we are having lots of fun together.  They get a boyfriend and then they are gone. Disappear! Completely have no time for their friends anymore.

This gets to me because I don’t understand what is going through their minds and why they would completely stop hanging out.  Is it that they are so desperate for love that nothing else matters?

This bothers me!  Maybe because I would never do that to them and I really value my friendships.  I also know that a balance in life is healthy. To me, it just means that these so called friends really don’t care much.  If they did, they would want to put some effort into the relationship. You put your energy into things that you care about!

It is super unhealthy to put all of your energy into one person.  I would never completely ditch my friends, but I would find a happy medium.  I would never want my friends to feel left out or that I don’t care for them.  Maybe I am alone in this, but I know there also has to be others out there that really get annoyed by this exact situation.

Here is another thing.  What happens when this perfect relationship fails?  Where will your friends be? What kind of life will you have when you burned all your bridges?

I know one thing, I won’t be around.  Not that they would care anyway.


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